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Worldwide, 1 billion people suffer from some kind of disability. In Italy alone there are 3 million, more than 5% of the population.
Accessibility is the set of practices that aims to make information available to these people as well, in the most complete way possible and without limitations.
Access to information and communication technologies is recognized by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities as a fundamental human right.
In Italy, Stanca law of 2004, defines “accessibility means the ability of computer systems, including websites and mobile applications, in the forms and within the limits permitted by technological knowledge, to provide services and provide usable information, without discrimination, even by those who due to disabilities require assistive technologies or particular configurations”
To facilitate the task of making their contents accessible to institutions and companies, the W3C consortium (World Wide Web Consortium) in collaboration with individuals and organizations from all over the world, has developed guidelines with the aim of providing a shared standard for accessibility of web content that meets the needs of individuals, organizations and governments internationally.
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) define technical specifications to make Web content more accessible to people with disabilities. Accessibility concerns a great variety of disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, vocal, cognitive, language, learning and neurological ones. These guidelines make Web content more usable even by older people with changes in skills due to aging and often improve general usability for all users.

La Soluzione
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Questa opzione, in aggiunta a quanto già fornito dal Report Base, consente di analizzare nel dettaglio gli errori riscontrati sulla tua pagina web, indica le relative soluzioni e fornisce una serie puntuale di informazioni relative alle linee guida da seguire. La soluzione completa per l’Accessibilità del tuo sito.
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